News Detail


Jan, 2025

District 22 FREE Workouts

District Baseball is where you can play and compete to play in the Little League World Series. District baseball is competitive baseball similar to Travel Baseball, but with more on the line. You are playing to represent your community and your Little League. BLL is putting together teams for the second year in a row to compete and play in the summer. We will be holding free workouts to get ready for try-outs. Yes your child has to try-out and make the team, nobody is guaranteed a spot or a position. These FREE workouts are ONLY for Little League 8 to 12 Year old's.

We have a new President of District that will be handling all the ins and outs of District Baseball. If you have any questions you can contact him by replying to this email. 

Please sign onto the website and register for FREE that you will be there.

Have any questions, contact Robert Reid JR at [email protected]

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